Connecting Homeschoolers with
their community and Each other.
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Become a Member Today!
Joining El Paso Homeschool Association has many benefits, including:
Access to GSUITE for Education (with your own dedicated email)
One family ticket to our annual conference in the spring (YOUR WHOLE FAMILY)
Discounts on curriculum and Texas Homeschool Coalition Membership
PreK curriculum
New homeschool content as often as our team can make it! (Designing Curriculum, National Parks Classroom, Understanding the TEKS and more)
Support OUr Mission
Our mission is to support homeschooling in the Borderland region of Greater El Paso, Juarez, Mexico, and into New Mexico.
We do this by:
Hosting an annual conference
Hosting events throughout the year to support and educate homeschoolers
Seeking community engagement and relationship to connect homeschoolers to El Paso businesses
Ways you can support EPHA:
Share our website, instagram, and facebook page with your friends
Sponsor our Annual Conference
Contact hello@elpasohomeschool.org if you have more questions or would like more information on how you can work with homeschoolers in the borderland.