El Paso homeschool Conference
April 22, 2023
Centro Vida Life Center 1335 Henry Brennan Dr, El Paso, TX 79936
Join us for a refreshing conference that will inspire, energize, teach and encourage you for your family's unique journey of home educating and parenting.
Registration available beginning 8 am Saturday
Members are able to register for the conference for FREE
Classical Conversations
Glasheen, Valles & Inderman Injury Lawyers
Lamplighter Ministries
KeyNote Speaker:
Cathy Heckendorn is a Homeschool Survivor. She loves that term because she went into homeschooling kicking and screaming, but after graduating all four of their children, she says it was the best decision ever made for her. Cathy has lived the challenges, comedies, struggles, joys, tears, and victories that home education has to offer, and now, she desires to encourage and empower other parents to embrace all those things as they set out on their own calling to “train up their children” and to share that not only can they survive, they can also watch their children thrive!
Cathy has been married to her high school sweetheart, John, for 36 years. They have raised and graduated all four of their children and now enjoy watching them take the reins of their own lives as they marry (two married and another engaged) and have children to train up themselves (one spunky granddaughter and baby grandson, so far). Besides serving on the CAPE-NM Board, Cathy enjoys all the amenities that living on a ranch provides, reading books, playing games with friends and family, leading a homeschool support group, and curling up on the couch with a hot cup of tea and a friend.
Peace…or Peace and Quiet?
Cathy Heckendorn
Wait?? What’s the difference? Join Cathy as she compares these two VERY different mindsets. One is long lasting, while the other is just until the next dispute breaks out. She’ll also be discussing some practical steps you can take to not only have peace in the home but stronger relationships, too.
Building Your House
Cathy Heckendorn
Building our homes (and homeschools) takes more time and patience than we seem to have some days, even if we start out with the best set of blueprints or goals! Cathy will share some humorous, and not so humorous, things she’s learned in building her home (and homeschool). If you think you are the only one who struggles with relating to your children, balancing the many demands of teaching and parenting, and wondering why you can’t seem to get it all done, then you need to know Cathy was (and still is) right there, too. The one thing she has learned, though, is that our homes are never really finished. Sometimes we just need to keep on remodeling.
Conference Details
One full day of workshops, childcare, and a fantastic vendor hall.
Saturday, April 22, 2022
8:00–9:00 Registration and Vendor Hall
9:00–10:00 Opening Session + Keynote
10:00–10:30 Vendor Hall
10:30–11:15 Workshops
11:15–12:30 Lunch and Vendor Hall
12:30–1:15 Workshops
1:30–2:15 Workshops
2:15–2:45 Vendor Hall
2:45–3:30 Workshops
3:45–5:00 Closing Session + Keynote
Vendor Hall closes at 5:30 PM
Homeschool Philosophies—Choosing Your Style
Lindsay Kronmiller This workshop will introduce you to the different educational philosophies and how this can help inform your choice in curriculum and help you plan your days. This interactive workshop will help you narrow down what your goals are as well as what your kids learning styles are and then how to use this information to choose curriculum and plan your days.
Eclectic Homeschooling
Julia Novoa, M.Ed. will cover Eclectic Homeschooling and how many homeschoolers transition from many philosophies to eclectic homeschooling. In this workshop we will discuss how to trust your own curriculum choices, keep records as needed, and how to get started with eclectic homeschooling as a new or experienced homeschooler.
Classical/Leadership Education Model
Mike and Cheryl Kolesar Classical Education is teaching the soul of your child to remain RESTFUL, seek WISDOM, love VIRTUE, value BEAUTY, and develop ELOQUENCE with the goal of bridging the child in front of you to become the person God intended them to be.
In this workshop you will learn the secrets of Classical Education and how your student can flourish and be transformed into kind and courageous representatives of truth, goodness, and beauty, who are fully equipped, to transform every environment to which they are called, for the sole purpose of glorifying God and redeeming this world with His light and life.
Charlotte Mason Educational Philosophy
Catharine Malinowski Learn the basic tenants of the Charlotte Mason Philosophy of educating kids. This workshop will introduce you to Charlotte Mason and her educational philosophy and how to implement her ideas into your homeschool.
Homeschooling Multiple Ages
Felicia Johnson Are you struggling to balance the preschooler, elementary and middle schooler at home? Or maybe you even have a high schooler in the mix. I would love to give you inspiration and helpful tricks and tips to help you balance your homeschool. As a homeschool mama of 20+ years, I've homeschooled all ages and all age ranges at one time. It doesn't always look pretty, but it's a way of life.
ProActive Parenting
Deb Roennebeck Parents often spend their lives in a REactive relationship with their children—angrily dealing with issues AFTER they happen. This creates stress, chaos, unhappiness and enmity between parent and child. Our hope is to give parents the Biblical tools to help them set standards and adhere to them in a way that stops the sinful actions BEFORE they occur instead of after the deed is done, leaving peace in the home where frustration used to live.
Lessons from the Early YEars
When the Why is Big Enough, the How Doesn’t Matter
John Heckendorn We might begin the homeschool journey for various reasons, but sooner or later, we all have to decide what will keep us going when the days get difficult, the budget gets tightened, a rebellious child tests our patience, or the world, and often the church, asks why we are keeping them “isolated”. Knowing WHY you are homeschooling is the biggest thing that will carry you through these various trials. Join John as he shares his journey from being an evolutionary agnostic to a Believer who began to embrace his calling to lead his family with a vision based on GOD’s Word.
Fostering a Christ-Centered Competitive Spirit
Ronnie and Angie Rouse The Rouses believe a competitive spirit is important in the life of successful adults, therefore, they strive to raise their six kids to have a Christ-centered competitive spirit. In their workshop, they will define what a Christ-centered competitive spirit looks like, why it is important, and how to foster this spirit in your child.
Kids are Capable... and so are You!
Kyle Townes Do you have fears about homeschooling? Worried you can't do this, or maybe don't even want to? Do you wonder what's most important when it comes to the early years? Is homeschooling really the best option for the Christian family? Are kids capable of learning much at a young age? If you have wondered any of these things, then this talk is for you. As we discuss foundational aspects of the early years and the road you take with your children, we will also discuss Biblical discipline as part of the foundational structure that will impact your schooling and daily life. We will take a little time to look at children's brains and the impact of what children see, hear and read early on, as well as how to go about narrowing things down in your curriculum search. What kinds of questions should you ask yourself as you search? And most importantly, we'll see how capable kids are (and so are you!). You both can do this! This talk is geared towards Christian individuals or couples new to homeschooling, with children 0-6 years old.
ESSENTIALS: Middle to High School Math Tips
Robert Guzman This information session will be geared towards the essentials of mathematics for success in future math courses from middle school to high school. This session will be interactive between speaker & audience and will allow the opportunity for discussion and questions.